Bix and the YMCA

The YMCA and the Bix are connecting more than ever!

Bix @ 6 Traffic

  • The Iowa American Water Bix @ 6 training runs start at 6 p.m. on Thursdays, June 23 and 30, July 7 and 14, 2022.
  • At 4:30pm (estimate based on Police and QCTimes/Bix teams) 4th Street to the YMCA parking lot will be 2-way traffic
  • YMCA members and participants will have access to the Y parking lot
  • There will NO west-bound traffic past the YMCA entrance

Junior Bix

Bix Race Day Child Watch

  • Available to YMCA members and non-members
  • Registration Deadline: July 19th
  • 6am to 12pm
  • For children ages 2-12 years old
  • Cost: 1 child = $25/2+ children family = $50