YMCA Sports Center

The YMCA Sports Center

2222 Middle Rd, Bettendorf, IA 52722

Phone: (563) 359-6243

The YMCA Sports Center at The Landing is a branch of the YMCA of the Iowa Mississippi Valley.

Golf Simulators

  • Dozens of real-life courses to choose from!
  • This system accurately reads the speed, trajectory, and flight of the ball to provide you with a real-to-life reading on your swing. It’s just like being out on the course!
  • Rent for fun or rent to improve your game with private lessons!



Tennis at the YMCA Sports Center at The Landing

  • Registration is now available 
    • Multiple classes for same age group – based on Age AND Experience Level
    • Prices vary due to class length
    • Give Dan a call at 563 650 2198 for questions about class placement, private/semi-private lessons or racket purchases

Youth Tennis Program

Adult Tennis Program Registration


  • Court Reservations
    • How to schedule court times:
      • Permanent Court Rentals are Available to Y-IMV members only ($30 per hour)
      • Discounted Court Time ($20 per hour) is available before 9:00 a.m. and between Noon-3:00 PM Monday through Friday and can be booked 72 hours in advance
      • Bookings are available by calling our Utica Ridge YMCA.  Payments must be made by phone at reservation.
        • Call Utica Ridge YMCA to reserve a court: (563) 345-4244


Pick-Up Play

Open Monday-Friday

8:00 AM-4:00 PM

Free for Members, Day Fees available for Non-Members

Recreation Youth Pickleball

We have leagues available for Middle and High Schoolers! Sign up today!